Thursday, June 25, 2015


yesterday while eating lunch lar shouts out look out the window and there was a mama wood duck and 6 babies sneaking across the back some might know our yard she was very close to the apple tree...we watched her for a wee bit and i said where's a camera when you need one..oh lar says right in front of you on the he picks one up and opens the back door very slowly and quietly goes out on the porch and snaps a couple of pictures....

then a couple of weeks ago we had a mama turkey and a pheasant in the back yard at the same time checking each other out..then this week i was  working in the garden and heard a swish above my head only to look up to see the turkey coasting over the garden...landed on the other side and took a walk in into the woods...we think she must have a brood some where near by as we have seen hr often of course we have no idea where or even if we just think it...

so life in the country sure can be entertaining at times....

 then with a new app tyler helped us load on to the tablet we found out what this bird was that we found in the oven bird...the name of the app it called "merlin" you can find birds hear sounds etc and the best part is that is is FREE

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


yesterday at breakfast lar says to me can i take over  your kitchen??? so of course i ask why...he answers i "WANT TO MAKE A PIE" and it will be blueberry...first time he has ever ask to make a pie..i had other things i wanted to do so why not...i asked him does he want to use my pie crust recipe or find his own..he wanted to find one he did...i thought to myself i need to stay out of the kitchen and let him do this on his own..(oh it was hard not to say toooo much) off i went to dance with the vacuum cleaner--do my exercises--elevate my leg--etc...while he tended to making the pie...

so he had fun in the kitchen...he said he wanted to do something different than going to the barn to straighten it up..or go to the cellar to fix something he was sick of that so in the night he decided he wanted to make a pie..

so he did and it was/is he can take over the pie making in our house

Friday, June 19, 2015


 here it is almost July and i sure have not been very good about posting...oh there is lots of excuses but for the most part we have been busy..

first as some know i had knee replacement the end of april so that has taken up alot of my time going to dr's appt and physical therepy..

then May 1st it was spring turkey season and you know who was busy hunting..he was successful in filling 3 tags so now the freezer has some wild turkey (not in a bottle)..

got the garden in and lar came up with an idea of putting in some raised beds and they seem to be doing quite a matter of fact we are eating green onions and today had some fresh lettuce on our sandwiches so that was  a we have a woodchuck that seems to want to get in the has eaten some of the leaves on a few plants but they look like they are going to recover time will tell...we have not had to water the garden other than first planting it as mother nature has taken care of that...but it has been wet enough that we have not been able to get in it to do much weeding..but not my favorite job anyway..

last week we had some habitat company...and it was good to see them since winter...enjoy dinner with a couple of habitat couples...

;also during that time we have had damaging rains and flooding in the area...funny haw it goes but for us at the house we had only 3/4 inches of rain but if you go a mile down the road they got over 4 inches...lots of roads washed out and even a railroad bridge...

the big project for us has been having a new roof put on ..we knew that we needed one for the last couple of years but of course kept putting it ...he would get up on the roof and think he patched up some trouble spots and we wouldn't have any leakage till it rain hard ahhahaha...last fall we checked with a company about making arrangements to have a new roof and was told call in the he did right when we returned back home only to be told that they were not taking on any more jobs off to lowe's we went and made arrangements with them...finally they arrived in between rain storms to do the job this week..he three days we now have a new roof...lar was impressed with the work they did...a young crew all under the age of 25 we are now it can keep right on raining cause we have a new roof....

 on of the turkeys

waiting to finally go home