Tuesday, May 28, 2013


SO WHAT DOES A PERSON DO ON MEMORIAL DAY??? go off to the family cementry to say hi to those that have deceased and that is exactly what we did yesterday..the last time I was in the cemnentry was when we had a service for my mom and lar thought tit was about time we visited.....then after we went to my sister house no one was home...then to my brother's and both he and Lorraine were home so off we went to take a tour of the new land they have recently bought and plan on buiiding a new house...he has been working on an old barn making it new so he can have his workshop in it..then build the house...he isn't sure what he is going to do as he has been very busy with his turning and dosent'e seem to have much time to build ..they are now thinking of maybe a modular and done tp their specs.. hope you all had a good family memorial and remembered all of those who have passed and remembered..

Sunday, May 26, 2013


this morning lar was up and out of the house by i think 4:30 on his way to the woods to say he was taking his gun for a walk...only a few more days of spring turkey season and of course he wants to get in as many days as he can...oho i was up around 6 or so ..by 7 i heard the front door open and he either was cold and he had his second one...yep he had his second one...amen so maybe tomorrow he will sleep in... the other day while eating lunch we saw a indigo bunting come to the feeder and it sat on the feeder with a male cardinal for a long time but by the time we got the camers the cardnial flew away... last weekend we took a drive to syracuse to take lisa and family out to dinner...5 or so years ago she started working on her high school diploma and at that time we said we would take her out to dinner to a place of her choice..well this winter she finally did it so we had to pay up...she wanted to go to texas road house so the nearest one to us in the middle was syracuse so that's where we met and enjoyed dinner...she was very excited when she found out she has finally passed...it has been a long hard road for her to do it..but she 'GOTTA ER DONE"

Saturday, May 11, 2013


this year spring has been slowly arriving...usually are apple trees are in full bloom about the third week in april but this year it has been a good 2 weeks later...finally the are just a blooming and smell sooo good...also the pear tree looks like it ought to have a lot of pears...now lets hope that not like last year when the trees were in full bloom we had a SNOW storm that wiped out the blossums so there was NO fruit to be had..most of the apple were in very sad shape and not worth doing anything with them even eating...I guess mother nature has her own mind as to what she wants to do so we will take what ever she gives us no matter rain-dry-sleet-snow--abd the list goes on to the types of weather she can dowl out to us to enjoy one way or another.. l also you can see a bird in the tree it is a green blue heron (oh I know it doesn't look like one) that just happened to land in the tree while we were eating lunch stayed long enough to take a picture then now sure where it went maybe up the the pond...

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


on the 7th day of spring turkey season lar's finally scores...amen to that...he has been getting up for the last 3 weeks at 3:30 am the first 2 weeks to go out to scout where the birds might be then for the last week it was to take his gun for a walk in the woods...finally this morning the gun was sick of walking so he made him shoot it...and low and behold he came home with a bird.. oh he is good trying not to wake me up but i still do wake up then toss and turn for a bit some morning going back to sleep but not all mornings...a lot can be done in the early hours of a day... spring is filling beginning to show here..some trees blooing finally..the pear trees in the hedge row look good but when the wind blows it is like being in a snow storm when the little white petals come flying off the tree.. i'll let you decided which one is the real bird and which one is the decoy