Sunday, August 26, 2012


 meet TYLER our guide for the day!!!!!!! he took us out on our adventure and we even returned to same day a couple of hrs after we left...he didn't even get us lost ahahha...

there was lots of interesting stuff he told us about while canoeing around the refuge...

he was even using his very own NEW canoe---a single person  canoe..he traded in his kayak for the canoe..this was the first he had used it as we brought it up to him..he didn't tip over so he must be a happy camper...


we decided tio take a day off from trying to get the house back in some sort of order...tyler was going to lead a canor adventure in the  wildlife area he has eworked all summer so we thought why not get out of the house for the day so we did...

off to montazouma wildlife refuge we was  one of those perfect days (oh maybe a tad hot) we spent about 2 hrs canoeing around the refuge and saw several different birds (nothing we hadn't seen before ) but it was just nice to be doing something different ..we knew that it was soon back to the same old grind ...

right now we are 95% down with the project..mostly i have a couple more boxes to go thru and either put the stuff back or in a box for the salvation army...

lar is going on a backpacking trip with roy and tyler for 4 days starting on tues ..then when he gets back it will be time to pack up the rig for our september adventure...(we are both ready)..we haven't been anywhere all summer oh maybe to a family renuion or two but nothing exciting...notthat family isn't exciting but you know what i mean...just to be away...

Thursday, August 23, 2012


some of you know we lost our dog a year and a half ago and we have been trying to decide if and when we might want you can see we have settled on a different kind of dog...a 'BULLDOG"...  not sure yet if it can retrieve ducks and geese but it can get you where you want to go...we have found it handy already especially when it comes to going to the woods for a wood cutting trip to clear out some of the branches that have come down during a wind storm..also it has been used on several projects around the this is the "DOG" we have for now

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


yesterday was  the day that we finally had the new carpet took them from 10:30--4:30 to get it all in ...but it sure looks was nice to walk around on something other than plywood we have the job of getting the house back to normal whatever that has been 2 months and we aren't sure where we had what   (might even change things around a tad)...

we are also getting new drapes but haven't picked them out yet...don't want to rush into anything...thinking of a brown/chocolate to get with the walls/carpet...not sure till we stat shopping...

Friday, August 10, 2012


the other day i was in our living room and lar called me to come to the dining i did  and there on the driveway going up to our barn was this line of turkeys 3 mama's and the rest reminded me of the old cowboy and indian movies where the indians were lined up on a hill ready to attack.which they didn't just was a funny sight to see...this was the first that we've seen any wild turkeys with babies...we had thought that maybe the coyotes had gotten them all so it was good knowing that some have survived this spring hatch...

we also have 3 female deer that come to the back yard almost daily ezpecially that the only apples we have on our trees are it makes a good lunch or dinner for them...all the apple trees have very few apples and what's there isn't worth any apple orchard that was able to save their crop this spring is lucky...

Sunday, August 5, 2012


first the quilt is one made by my sister SYLVINA who lives in michigan and came out for a short visit a couple of weeks ago...the theme of the quilt is civil war and it is just beautifuul...we had a great visit with stu and syl..not long enough but  it was good to have them around for a wee bit..we met at  my other sister and brother  and their spouses at cornell  for the friday night concert ...then on sat we had to go to falconer for a carlson renuionm then back on sunday to go to the lake for a  tracy family renuiuon...

most of this summer we have been do a wee bit of remonlding to our house..our own habitat project..we decided to paint the back of the house 2 bedrooms--hallway--and the dining room of course all the same col0or..and then also have new carpeting put you can ssee the color of the walls and a sample of the new carpet...we are now on the wait for the carpet to be delivered and installed...hope it is soon and we are both getting sick of living out of boxes..going from foom to room finding what we need to wear etc...but in the long run it will be worth...

garden is also keeping me busy as it is beginning to produce and i am trying to keep up with it...sure are enjoying the produce we are eating..

after the carpet  has been put donw then it will be time to start getting ready for the sept trip...

life goes on and we are enjoying it..