Wednesday, August 12, 2009


YO TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY >>> the time has come for the long awaited trip to hawaii ...we are all packed and ready to go just waiting till it is time...tomorrow we will spend the night at sister chris's because they live closer to the airport and we need to be there at 5AM ugh...the plane leaves or is suppose to at 6 on friday..arrive in hawaii at 5;15 pm there time so it will be a long day and we go thru several time changes... we are not taking the lap-top with us so don't look for anything on the blog till around sept 10..who knows on some rainy day we may just find ourselves in a library doing e-mail but that isn't the plan...we have a long list of things to do and see..the main objective is just to go and enjoy the family with lots of fun in the sun...aloha

Saturday, August 8, 2009


can you believe that lar is getting involved in politics??? just one more volunteer thing to our small town the republicians have been running things their way or wanting to anyway...and it is about time they took a look at the town and did something for the town instead of their own there is a coup going on to over run the already excisting republician party and form another lar is running to be on the committee in our district..he has spent many an hour painting theese signs (oh i've helped a wee bit) and we have gone to many meeting to get things we have heard that in tompkins there has never been one party trying to get rid of people in that party this i guess someone has to be first...the signs have got to be up before we leave due to the primary is a coupe of days after we return and there just wouldn't be enough time for the signs to be up and people to see them...

Sunday, August 2, 2009


what better way to end a weekend than go to one of the parks in our area for a that is what a bunch of our friends and of course we will included to go and do -it was just a perfect night for it to sit by the lake great summer temps and of course with a good group of friends ...the group that sang was kinda a cross between blue grass and zydeco so was some interesting music..althou i must say we spent alot of time visiting and catching up on what has been happening in the neighborhood (which isn't much )...friday over to my brother s for dinner and last minute talk about going to hawaii--we are all getting excited..but there was a sister chris was going into the house tripped and fell hurting her was put on it rather soon but in the middle of the night she went off to the ER as it really hurt--nothing broken but she is in a leg brace and need to go see another orthopedic type..sure hope it isn't anything serious and lets hope she will get rid of the brace before we go to hawaii that is in 1 /12 weeks....