Sunday, January 22, 2012


yesterday was a day of relaxation 14 of us decided that a bike ride would do the trick...os off we went to the withlacoochee rails to trails about 4-5 mlkes from dade is about 50 miles we all started out together and it wasn't long before there were long distances between the group...we have some that are very serious bikers and some of us who just bike for the heck of it...

we knew all this before we started and said we will jujst all meet back at the campground for th dish to pass dinner that was planned for 5 as syracuse was planying notre dam in basketball...we have a couple of couples from indy who you can imagine that are fans of notre dam...and if we go the chance to watch the game then so much the better...

anyway back to the bike ride someo of the group did 18--others 25 and 30 but of course the others did over can guess who might have done the 18!!!!!!

anyway back to the campground for a little lunch..then in a few hrs it would be time for the dish to pass...

so at 5 we all gathered for a pot luck and as most of you know there was more than enough and all was delicious..after it got dark some of us went to russ and peg'd rig cause they have a satallite and got the game as it was on espn....some of you might know who won the game ...norte dam had the priests down on their knees praying most of the game and they won..the first game of the season that syracuse has lost and for those of us who root for them hope it is the last...time will tell...

today we went to church with irma...2hr and 10 minutes we left ...amen..good music/singing..good message but long....

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