Friday, April 1, 2011


ok so it is april fools and for those who got an message from us remember i have NO control of what my partner sends...

started to day on the trace trail heading on a very quiet drive not much traffic but lots of scenery and places to stop to se differnt things...the only wild life we saw was a turkey...and we were told not to drivbe the drive in the dark as there are lots and lots of deer on the road ..we like to be stopped by dark so not to worry...

we decided to take a side trip and go to vicksburg which was the turning point of the civil war...alot like gettysburg not as big but laid out very much the we toured the battlefield and saw lots of very interesting of which was th cairo which was one of the ships that was sunk during the war and found and raised in 1964...then send to be repaired..

the flowers are blooming and the lawns are being mowed so must be spring has sprung...we have senn on the weather that a really big storm is or has already hit NY not so sure how much snow will fall in tompkins county..but enough to let everyone know that winter isn't over yet...for us the temps reached into the 70's but sure looks like we might get some rain...

tomorrow we will return back to the trace trail and see where it takes us...

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