we are now in spokane,wa visting tony and caroline....arrived yesterday after a long days trvel and guess what we had another flat tire..the night before i said to lar come look at this back tire it looks kinda funny to me he looked and said not a problem it can get us home..ahhaha...after dunbing he want around and did the travel check before leaving and said guess what that tire you tole me to look at is FLAT...so it delayed our stsart...he changed the tire then we got on our way...somehwere in our travels we ran over a NAIL so that was the problem...he didn't want to travel without a spare so as soon as we got to a big enough town we looked up a tire store who plugged it up in no time so on the road again....
what a beautiful drive along the columbia river whre lewis and clark took their trip out to the pacific..we drove alongthe orgeon side first there were high mountains on both then after awhile they shrunk down to smaller hills and finally desert looking land..caroline said if we stayed on the western side that would have been a whole lot different..but we wanted to stay out of the mountains due to weather... who knows when it just might snow again...
so we are here for a few days before heading east...
so all is still good
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