we decided to sleep in this morning till 6:45 am hahaha and go out to breakfast as we were out of milk and bread..so it was a very leisurly morning we finally got our acts together after a phone call to lar's brother bill to check in on his mother we finally were ready to have some breakfast..so off we went to an old loggers place callen somoa cookhouse a very interesting place..they serve family style and there is NO menu...you just have what they want to serve..so today it was bisquits-gravy-pancakes-sausage links-scrambled eggs-coffee-juice-and as much as you wanted...you sit at tables with who ever comes in to sit with you..we sat with some young ones weho have been backpacking in the area-some students in the area and another couple who ate there about 35 yrs agok and thought it might be fun to return...it was fun..
so it was still raining so we toured around to the old town of eureka..had wanted to get out and walk around but it was just pouring and thought why get wet and cold..so off to a mall just to walk the halls...
after that it was time to go buy some milk and bread..we were told about astore called win-co and it was a good place for deals...yep we saw lots of good deals and if there was one bsack home i think it is where i would shop...good produce-good looking meats (but we didn't need any still have vension)...but the best of all was boxes of wine red for 8.00$$ and for white 7.50$ so of course we couldn't pass that deal ..on sale for 2.00 off.....lar thought maybe we could fill the black water tank and have enough...i must say i said NO to the suggestion ahhaha...but we did buy several boxes at that price..back home it is at least 12.00$$...then to check out our bill rang up to around 90.00$$ so i swiped the credit card and it didn't work..so the cashier said it is credit or debit..credit i said..she said we don't take credit cards --i asked about acheck and she said only local (i guess NY isn't to local)..we didn't have enough cask on us so we thought we 'd have to put the groceries back not thinking at the good old atm machine which they happen to have..so we got us some green cash..paid for the groceries and away we went...lots of laughs both with the cashier and us...silly us not to think that not everyone accepts credit cards.....it just added to the adventure...tomorrow on the the redwoods forest and try to find robin hood.....
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