here's todays saga..we got up and took tonhy and caroline out to breakfst ...we needed to treat caroline as she had cooked us lots of good food while we were there wnd thought she needed a treat...abd a good treat it was we ate in an old railroad car just like the old station used to be in itheac..
we got on the road by 9:45 and it was good travels till it started to rain and of course it was right after we left spokane had rain on and off all the way to the mountains... we had to go over a couple of mountain passes...the first one was a piece of cake...and at times the sun tried to come out hahahaha..never really made it...
tony had told larry about a cabela's in idaho right over the state border so of course we had to stop which we did..it must have been the quickest stop we ever made at a cabela's..in and out in a hald hour..lar bought a new pair of waders so i thought we ought to get out of here beftore he spends more ahhahaah..
back on the raod again after we dumped the black water tanks there oh no ont on the ground they have a dump station which we used...
then up and over the next pass called lookout pass and yes you need to look out...it is up over 5 miles and when we were about half way uop it started to snow yepo snow...it was really collecting on the road yet byt we saw all kinds of signs about putting chains on and we didn't have any..got to the top then statred down and it just seemed to go on and on going down..
so now we are in missoula, mt..tomorrow we are meeting up with an old friend of lar's from the western union days...he is driving down from kalispell, mt to mee us for breakfast. ..it wi be good seeing him again..the lst time was when we went to alaska and spent memorial day weekend with him and his mother...after we are then getting back on route 90 and heading east....
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