today we left indio, calif around 9 am.. but first i must mention that yesterday i was giving lar a hair cut that he neede badly and all of a suddeen things started to mave around ..firtst we thought maybe it was the swind but i looked ataour jacks on the rig and they were moving and the one next ti us was also moving more that wind...then we both looked at each other and said it is an earthquake...and sure enough it was...it is something that for me was kinda scary especially when it was all over and we could think of it...now why didn't we move away fro the rig just in s=casre it just tobble over...i don't know why we just didn't...it seemed to lost a very long time but on the news it lasted only about 35-45-seconds less than a minute but it felt that it was much longer than that....we sure can understand why those who ex[perience an earthquake that cause mcuh damage why they run when the grounds starts to shake...something i be aware of for us..something we really don't have to think about back hiome...just "BLIZZARDS'...
today finds us in bakersfield, calif on our way to yosemite but getting here was a different story..very windy and i mean very windy..lar handled it well but it was a very trying day...just not your average driving day....he did all the driving thinking that it was too much for me and he was probally right...we had rain-snow very near by us-and high winds...anyway we were glad when we decided to stop at 4pm...also we wanted to watch tonight basketball game and hope that butler wins...we like the underdogs...so go BUTLER....
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