today caroline and i went to her church to help prepare for a spaghetti dinner tomorrow a night and the boys were on a returning mission...a ccouple of things that werre bought yesterfday had to be taken back and they took a tour around the area...
then it was lunch time..
now for a tour on the city of spokane..we toured the campus of gonza (misp).saw washington state university campus anyway the spokane one..then into town and walk around the water front..saw where the worlds fair and expo was held several years ago in the 60/70 or 80 and some the the buildigs that are still there...there are statues in the city running as you can see the most amous ones...spokane has several wateralls in and around the city...
back home to finish up with projects...we are keeping track of the weather as tomorrow we p[lan on heading out (don't want to wear out our welcome)..as we need to go into idaho and monatna and have to travel over a couple mountain passes we need to know what the weather might be on the mountains...also [lan on spending a day visiting a good frined from a long timeago tom dalton before pushing on easterly again...
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