lar and i had been talking about not seeing any deer in the back yard since opening day..oh we know some ahd been there at night because the fallen apples had been eaten we had just not seen any...yesterday at breakfast i looked out the dining room window and said to lar i think there are a couple deer out back ..sure enough there was a couple of good size does..then in the afternoon i happened to walk into the dining room and there were a couple more that were almost on the back porch...just grazing..so we watched them for awhile but by the time i got the camera they had wonder away up the hill so my pictures was not an up close one..so lar knows that he didn't get them all during the huntings season...
yesterday we started to get the rig ready for travel..i started by packing the clothes i want to hold off on the food till sat or sunday so we don't have to keep the furncas going day and night in ordcer that the canned food dosen't freeze...our plan right now is to pull out of here on tues after all has been done to get the house ready for winter...the water pipes have to be drained and the toilets and sinks filled with antifreeze...there just seems to be a list of last minute things to do..have checked out the weather for several of the cities we know that we go thru and it looks like the weather ought be be ok maybe rain..but didn't hear or see the word snow or ice which is not good...
today last minute clothes packing and non freezing things in the rig..
so you all have a HAPPY NEW YEAR may it be a great one...
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