what does a person do when they are sitting ast the dining room table at our house...look out the window at all the wildlife...this squirrel has been fun to watch climb around eating out of the bird feeeders and his determation to get at the best seeds in the feeder...then we have the tufted titmice who just seem to love the suet along with the chickadees and the woodpeckers...
today is the last day of 2010 deer hunting and of course lar just left to go take the gun for a walk another traditation he says being the last day...and it is rainig out (we didn't seem to get the ice -sleet yet)--i can remember one year on the last day and he hadn't gotten one yet he went out in the same kinda of weather and it wasn't long before he was back and he had scored with a buck...now if it were me i think i would have just stayed in the house where it was warm and dry..
last night was the annual firemen's banquet and a good time was had by all...lots of good food-drink (lots if you wanted) and dance...the ones who have been taking line dance lessons had the dj play lots of our kind of music so we all dance up a storm...some of us can hardly move this morning ahhaha...anyway it was a fun time..then this morning we returned to the fire house to help clean up and got the job done in less than an hour...many hands make light work...
so now it will be football and crocheting for me...
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