now if you look close at the store you'll wonder WHY i even went into it..not my kinds of store for shopping but i did really go in... NO i did not buy anything i only looked around...this weekend we had larry's brother dan and his wife carol over for a hunt/visit...so on sat after the boys had come in for coffee and the sun came out carol and i decided to go do some shopping --she is a QUILTER and i said there is this store in ithaca that is rated one of the top best quilt stores in the country (now you wonder why i should even know that..well when our friends were here from wisconsin--chris is a BIG TIME QUILTER told me about it and we tried to get there but ran out of time)...carol's eyes lite up and a big smile came over her face so i knew she wanted to go...so we did...after abut an hr in the store and carol's credit cards were maxed out we left with a car load of material/fabric/rags or what ever you call that stuff...we went on to do more shopping--next stop was michaels and i bought some more yard for another shawl...
i had put a pot of chilli in the crock pot in the morning and dinner was ready so we tried something new i made cornmeal waffles and we had the chilli on tiop of the waffles it was good and i will probally do that again...
all in all a good visit/weekend but NO deers--they are still running around out back and still coming to eat the apples when it is dark...
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