up and attum this morning lar's off to go have breakfast with roy and tyler then they of course are goingto go hunting...for me i'm up and out of the house by 6:10am on my way to have breakfast with my group who have been dong this every other week for 15 yrs..we have been going to friendly's most of the time..most of uys are retired but there is a couple that aren't and some of them only show up when school in off...
well anyway lar says he'll be home by noon...for me after breakfast i go do some grocery shopping and a visit to k-mart and wally world..just to see what they might have that i really need..get home take care of the purchases and then decided it is time to do my e-mail...and in walks the hunter i say your early are you cold??
no he says..then you are home early..yep he says but guess what ??? oh i know the answer he got another deer so i ask is it a buck or doe??? big or small??? he says good size...see for yourselves..this makes a total of 4 he has gotten this year and we gave one away...so the freezer will be full of vension so i guess we won't go hungry...NO more i say we don't have room for any more...sunday is the last day of the season and guess what after we go help go clean-up at the fire station on sun (the annual banquet is sat night) more than likely we get home he will change into his hunting and take his gun for a walk...TRADITION he says ...so ends another deer hunting season...
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