on the 7th day of spring turkey season lar's finally scores...amen to that...he has been getting up for the last 3 weeks at 3:30 am the first 2 weeks to go out to scout where the birds might be then for the last week it was to take his gun for a walk

in the woods...finally this morning the gun was sick of walking so he made him shoot it...and low and behold he came home with a bird..
oh he is good trying not to wake me up but i still do wake up then toss and turn for a bit some morning going back to sleep but not all mornings...a lot can be done in the early hours of a day...
spring is filling beginning to show here..some trees blooing finally..the pear trees in the hedge row look good but when the wind blows it is like being in a snow storm when the little white petals come flying off the tree..
i'll let you decided which one is the real bird and which one is the decoy
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