this year spring has been slowly arriving...usually are apple trees are in full bloom about the third week in april but this year it has been a good 2 weeks later...finally the are just a blooming and smell sooo good...also the pear tree looks like it ought to have a lot of lets hope that not like last year when the trees were in full bloom we had a SNOW storm that wiped out the blossums so there was NO fruit to be had..most of the apple were in very sad shape and not worth doing anything with them even eating...I guess mother nature has her own mind as to what she wants to do so we will take what ever she gives us no matter rain-dry-sleet-snow--abd the list goes on to the types of weather she can dowl out to us to enjoy one way or another..

also you can see a bird in the tree it is a green blue heron (oh I know it doesn't look like one) that just happened to land in the tree while we were eating lunch stayed long enough to take a picture then now sure where it went maybe up the the pond...
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