SO WHAT DOES A PERSON DO ON MEMORIAL DAY??? go off to the family cementry to say hi to those that have deceased and that is exactly what we did yesterday..the last time I was in the cemnentry was when we had a service for my mom and lar thought tit was about time we visited.....then after we went to my sister house no one was home...then to my brother's and both he and Lorraine were home so off we went to take a tour of the new land they have recently bought and plan on buiiding a new house...he has been working on an old barn making it new so he can have his workshop in it..then build the house...he isn't sure what he is going to do as he has been very busy with his turning and dosent'e seem to have much time to build ..they are now thinking of maybe a modular and done tp their specs..
hope you all had a good family memorial and remembered all of those who have passed and remembered..

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