ANOTHER HOT DAY OF WORK...STARTED UP ALL BUNDLED UP AS IT WAS ONLY 35 OUT...but it didn't take long for the sun to come and heat things up...hardly NO wind but lots of water and sun screen...
today was a day for inside walls and the plumbing to be started..lots of small stuff that you couldn't see...not sure what is on tap for tomorrow but maybe the roof rafters--sheating--moar electrical work--plumbing...
it is nice to leave at the end of the day and see as much progress as we seem to have made..
tonight ofto the ranch for an habitat dinner with the president--understand we have to go thru 2 locked gates (they gave us the secret code) so my guess it will be something we aren't used too
we also understand that most all the stores-restaurants-business close at noon on sat and are closed all day sunday...back in the 50's i guess --they sure believe in a day of rest--we also understand that there is to be a rodeo right in our campground (city park) so it is going to be an interesting weekend...we will need to fit laundry in some time ahhahaha or we will still have dirty clothes for next week and this weeks are all ready dirty...
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