the last day again was a hot day but we all wanted t see the house sided or at least one side we almost did that...but due to cuts around the window we didn't get it done...the back is done to the peak and the one side is done to the last 3 boards...oh i know whjy didn'yt we finish the last 3 boards---it was hot 95 windy and we needed to all get back to our rigs to clean uo for the farewell dinner...we feel good that we got as much done as we did... and feel that the next 3 week build the house will be ready to be moved in...
today we are on the move --down to san antonio to meet up with roy-carol-aaron...for a couple of days --then back to round rock where the truck has an appointment to get the part that was ordered 3 weeksa go when we were there and the part wasn't sent...
That was an amazing build and I am so proud of both of you and of how hard you work.