today is the last building day for us here in mason....it has been a good build and we are exhausted 3 weeks of this kinda of building might be a tad too much for us as we are getting older...but we have seen alot done and the happy faces of the family make it all worth while...
yesteray i was again on th siding crew and we almost have a side done...we seem to have a system and it goes on..we all have a part of the job and the women seem to all work together NO cat fights yet ahahahhaahha...
tonight we have are farwell dinner and not sure where that might take place but it will be a good time i'm sure....everyone is i think ready for some R&R as i know we are...just a day or 2 of not hving to be any where etc...maybe even sleep till 8 or ahahha now that is daylight saving time the sun dosen't really come up till after 7:30 here...then just to have a leisure cup of coffee will be good...i have missed watching the news in the evening but for watching it at night not really...we have watched a few dvd but for the most part it has stayed off...it is now time to go start the last day here in mason..will we come back for another build right now i'd have to say "YES" but that weill only depend if we can get scheduled into it...enjoy your day...
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