we sure have needed a weekend to recoup from all last weeks building..even talked to a couple of others and they feel the same way exhausted...yesterday we atarted to go to our laundry in mason on,y to find the laundromatt closed sooo---we had already decided to go to fredericksburg for the say and decided why not take the laundry with us as they must have some place we can do it...yep they do...and it was next to a donut shop..now who likes donuts...so it was agood place to do laundry..
after whcih we walked the streets of town..came to a shop that had free samples of all kinds of stuff...and so we decided to try as much as we wanted --peanut butter-jellies-sauces-pickles of all kinds-more dips-and hot stuff...now i like hot sutff but lar took a taste of the really hot stuff and has sufferd ever since...he broke out in a sweat and caughed and carried on for awhile...me i was ok
sunday we started off by going to church then after lunch and some socializing we took off on a ride to the bat cave in town..where millions of bats breed and come out at sunset..(it is not the time for them now not for another month)..we found the country road that takes you to the cave but it was nothing but a washboard road and i mean washboard road..after about 5 miles on it and we came to a sign that said bat cave 5.8 miles we decided to turn around as our teeth had already been chattered to death by now...interesting country side..we crossed the llano rive which the james river runs into it..a very pretty river...
back to the campground for a hike around some visiting dinner and almost time to go to bed...
tomorrow starts week number 3 and to tell you the truth we could be on our way as it has been a very busy week and some long hrs of building..good feeling that we have done as much as we have but still it has been very exhausting and the older we get i do think we are slowing done a tad...
pictures oriole nest above our rig
man cooking b-b-q mmmmm good
along the river