last night it rain cats and dogs and this morning it has been cool or some would say cold...but we think it is kinda ok...
spent some of this morning tryingto hlep tony figure out some projects that he needs to et done and plan our day..we decided to gko out for cofe demount--and bignettes a french donuts which a covered with lots and i mean lots of powdered sugar we were all covered with the sugar by the time we got done with them...
the we drove to slidell where we did a build after katrina and we wante d to find the houses we worked on..which we did..the pictures are of the houses also the campground by the church that put us up and also the fish market where we bought all those wonderful lousiana shrimp that we had a b-b-q ...we ate and ate shrimp...mmmm good
back to the houses they all look like they are being taken care of and the lawns aren't covered with junk and stuff....it was nice to see them...we didn't see anyone we remembered who was a get one of the houses but noice to see them anyway...lucky that tony remembered how to get there with lar's help..so a good day was had by all
tonight we are getting together for dinner and of course with will have shrimp included...we are having jumbalia (sp???)..also planning on a parade schedule for later in the week...thursday we plan on going into the big easy for the day and hope it has calmed down some for the saints win...
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