first day of work was most interesting and i think we got alot done..we worked with ameri corps kids and also a group of college kids frm canada....
because this is a bayou (means swamp) it is wet and muddy and i mean muddy like no mud back home sticks to everything and is all over the work site even the road on where we are camped so yesterday afternoon a could of us swept-washed the road to help NOT track mud into our rigs --a first having to scrub the road but if it helps so much the better..
yesterday lunch was prepared by one of the home owners..local food...cat fish-b-b-q pork jamibalya..good stuff..i told lar if we are going to eat this big a lunch then for dinner it will be a salad or something light...no 5-10-15 pound build for me..that's how some of the builds are rated by what you "COULD" gain if not careful..lunch we are told some days will be provided by some of the oil companies wh obring in a big b-b-q and cook on site..will let you know if and when that happens...
we are working o 6 houses and most of them are in the same stage..so it will be interesting how much we all can get done..
parade again today it is fat tues and a holiday...they don't celebrate and close schools for presidents day they take the week off for mardi gras...interesting place to be at this time...
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