today we spent the day driving on route 90 along the coast where katrina came and did her damage..what was most interesting is that we were here before and saw the sights of all the sights and casino's..then we id return after she hit and saw all her damage..now we see the recovery that has taken place...lots of emoty building sights that have been cleaned up and just left to be emoty..we talked to several local people and some say t is becazuse some took the FEMA money and left town with it --some others say it is because if they reuilt on the same sights the insurance would be out of sight...(which i believe.)...the waterfront is just beach and no restaurants.tourists traps-and other buildings...so i believe that for most it is because of the insurance...
today we visited jefferson davies home..which was destroyed and has been rebuilt costing many millions of dollars..the furniture had to be sent away to special places the restore furniture..the rooms were painted the same colors as when he lived there and it took 3 years to do the repainting as it was special...the colors were the same ...
the bridge that went from tr 90 into biloxi had been destroyed and now there is a new one..you can see where alot of work has been done but there is also much more to do..
when we talked to some locals we mentioned that we had been here before and had volunteered at some of the other otwns and their remarks were they could not have done all the work with out the volunteers very much appreciated...makes a person feel good to hear that...

i am pointing to the high water make in biloxi...24 feet high was the water surge....way over my head
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