today we finally made it to the Truman museum and spent over 3 1/2 hrs there..we took a guided tour of the museum then saw a 45 minute movie on his then it was time to go out to the truck and have a granola bar as we were both getting a wee bit hungry by then...after that it was time to go back in and see what we had missed..the tour just hits the high parts and we wanted to see some more stuff..did you now that Truman was the first president that started our medicare a it didn't pass till Johnson got into office but he thought of it first...harry was also the president that passed into law about the presidential library/museums and that the former president have to raise funds for their libraries/museum...then all the papers go to the srchives and really become property of the government...after harry left office he really wanted to live a private life and tried as much as he did to do so...a fence had to be put around his house to keep out NOISY PEOPLE who wanted a treasure or two from the interesting man he was...
so now we know more about Truman but will we remember I sure hope so...

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