ok here we are in independence, mo and first on our list of things to do is to go get lar's blood work done...we were told to go to the center point hospital that was the closest to us..so off we went...got him all checked in and then had to wait just a tad but what was most interesting was while waiting a volunteer with a cart came thru asking everyone if they wanted something to drink like coffee--soda--juice and also offered some snack all for the same price FREE...what a nice feature..we didn't partake as we weren't really thirsty nor hungry...
then on to Wal-Mart cause we needed a few things and I needed a hair cut..now don't you know Wal-Mart on wed has a 30% discount for hair cuts on wed so another good deal...
back to the rig with the supplies and a lite lunch before gong of to the Truman national historical site..of course had to get another stamp which we did..
took a tour of the house and sure heard how much harry and bess liked their private life...he said once he was back in independence he watedd to be treated like a regular citizen..he did not receive any pension for being a president till 1966/1968 oh one of those years he also did not receive secret service protection at the time of his leaving office again that all took place in 1966 or 68...they refused because they were in their 80's by then..very modest people..
if only the present day presidents who have got out of office lived the same way...Eisenhower was also the same way...
tomorrow it will be off to the museum..

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