today we started out at the museum of natural history..when we arrived there were 12 school buses in th parking lot...oh my we said wonder what is going on...we had already bought our ticket so we just went in...the young man at the desk said it the kids wer too much we could still use the ticket and come back in the we thought lets try it...the first exhibit was the dinosaurs so there were lots of kids around that ..then we started down a hall way and before we knew the kinds had somehow disappeared and were wee for the most part alone looking at the rest..every now and then a kids a came by but over all they were not a problem and we got to see what we wanted... 3 1/2 hr later we left...
after a quick lunch it was on to the old capital building where we spent the rest of the afternoon and at 3:30 there wasn't enough time left to go find the gouvenors mansion...
we have seen a lot of Mississippi learnt a lot now we need to just remember what we saw and learnt..
it has been a good visit here--thanks to roy and carol checking out this place before we arrived...
tomorrow not sure exactly which direction we are going to go maybe tupelo and visit elvis home town...

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