today finds fish camp very quiet not like yesterday most everone that were here for the cook-off have left but another grup of coachs have come in..so there must be a group that is here...hope they are as quiet as the ribbit cook-offs people ahhahahahaah...
lar and mem moved on to their next place betty's campground in abbeville, la and we move on tomorrow to lake chalres to met up with stewart for a couple of days..
lar and i took a ride to a visitors center that lar thought was a national park..oh it was just a visitors center but it had a small museuum and a movie so it was not in waste...also diesel was 3.88 so we filled up...
as we are in fish camp and there are ponds you can fish in with out a state license lar fought a kid for his fish pole so he could fish for the afternoon...he really didn't fight but bought a cheap one at wal-mart..not sur e if he will catch dinner so it is a good thing that i already have it planned...our neighbors who wer ehere for e=the cook-off made homemade gumbe and we were given a container of it..i only have to cook some rice to go with it and we are all set...this was one of the cooking lessons we got about cajun cooking...
tomorrow is suppose to be warmer so that will be good for a change and lets hope the wind stop...
life is still good on the raod..
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