Friday, February 15, 2013


friday finds us back in the warehouse for another day of prep work...lar had some more truss to cut with the "girls" and i helped make the plumbing box thingy... i must say it was a day of eating if you wanted to..first we were brought some hot cinnamon rolls of course fresh out of the oven...then it was lunch at the catholic church...good food..then some old frineds who did not get in on this build del and margaret decided to leave minnesota and come for a visit..and when they arrived yep they had treats for us...NO i did not have any..but we are going to join them for dinner tonight out.. then dave and karen also from minnesota who live in mason for the winter came back from minnest=otga where they had been with their son who was just diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer..he had NO they went back to be with him till it was decided what the dr's were ging to do..shrink the tumor with chemo then operate to remove.. back to work late this mon=rning we needed to paint the plumbing box and i was told the paint brushes were over there tand as you can see this is what i found for paint brushes...i have never seen anythinglike them before..right angle and inchangeable heads...most interesting brushes and i did like using it..very easy so now lar has a new thing to look for ahhaha...he always finds something he thinks he ought to have this might be it...

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