we now find ourselves in nagadoches, tx and wondering what we might want to see or do while in town till tomorrow (fri)..so off we went to the visitors info place..we found out that there is alot to see here...so we visited the visitors center museum and was given lots of info on where to go to see stuff....we walked around town for a bit then headed back to the rig...there are a few things that need to be fixed..
we also found out that we are a bit early for the azalea garden festivities...saw some in bloom along with some red buds trees..
nagadaches has the oldest buildings in texas some we just saw where they had been and some still in place..reminded me of bardstown, ky...no distilleries thou ahahha...
the sun is out but it is still on the cool side not as windy..which is good..
coming here from waco we traveled thru some differnt terrain..and if we didn't know where we were a person would never believe that they were still in texas..more ponds-creeks-rivers-lakes than in the hill country..lots of trees and green grass..more cows and horses in the fields instead of goats and sheep...more open plowed fields so they must be for crops...just different...
tomorrow we head toward lousianna and end up in beaux bridge where we will meet up with bro (larry)/mem for the weekend...mem is already planning our schedule..sat going to go find some fleas in a market (then itch for awhile)..there is also a rabbit cook-off going on at the campground so we will probally see what that is all about...
life is good on the road
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