ok we have finally gotten the brush-trees-limps that were taken donw by the big snow a week and half ago clean-up and taken to a brush pile out in the woods...yesterday we cleared the last road out in the woods so now we can drive out to cut next winter supply of fire wood... but first before all that happens we have to get thru spring turkey season..
tues was opening day and lar was up and out of the house by 4:30 it was a rainy dreey day but off he went anyway...he came back around 9 for coffee empty handed..we had plannedon going to town to do some errands/shopping so off we went...those done then he didn't have to worry about doing those for a week or so...wed morning up and out he went bright and early or i shouldn't say bright the moon was still out..back by 7 but this time with a turkey other than himself..it was 19 lbs--8 1/2in beard--2 inc spurs so he is happy so that makes me happy...
thurs roy came up to go out hunting he missed one--darn---today they were both out again but didn't even hear anything so now it is time to get other chores done..
there hasn't been alot going on here trying to still get caught up finally got the rig unpacked as much as i do in the spring now to get it ready for the next trip which right now won't be till sept ..as we have a big project we are thinking of ding this summer...paint 3 rooms--hallway and new rugs..need to et this job done while we still can...we are getting you know..ugh...

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