wednesday morning at 6:45 lar got his second one turkey that is...this one is a tad smaller than the first one and took him awhile for it to come to his decoy but the horny old guy finally did and bang he will be in the pot...again lar went across the road where he knew that was another one and the other day when i was hangingclothes on the line i could hear one just gaggleing up a storm..a wee bit foggy this am but not enough for old eagle eye to spot the i guess we will have a coupld more meals for the table this year...
we have finally gotten the roads cleared up from the snow storm now it will be time to work on this next years supply of fire wood....this was a good year for not using much wood nor it was a mild winter ;so there fore the use was down..that helps the pocket book so we can spend it on other things...
we have gotten some much needed rain as it is dry due to not much snow melt..our spring which is usually way up in the spring is down a couple of inches or more ..that's telling us that we do need rain...of course right now we have NO idea what the summer will be like and won't know till it is over and done with...
i have gotten our veggies sets and now to get the garden plowed and rototilled so it can be planted....and then wait till the fresh veggie are ready to eat can almost taste them and the seeds aren't even in the ground yet...wishful thinking i guess...
all's well here

in enfield...
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