these last few days have been uneventful...the gator was what we saw when we biked on the trail in the state park back in gulf shores..this one we had seen for several days each time we biked that part of the trail she wasalways out in the water and we joked that she was a plant and not real till she finally moved...
now we are in bay st louis,ms near waveland, ms...of course mardi ggras festivities are ove but we went shopping yesterday to restock the cupboards and found all kinds of mardi gras decorations on sale (just like after christmas up north) and people were filling their carts with all kinds of stuff...beads-door hanging wreaths-wall hangings- anything that had green-purple-gold on it was for sale...as you can see what lar bought was a chocolate king cake from wal-mart..(it was not nearly as good as the one we had bought and shared with larry and mem...but it was a king cake so larry is a happy person...
yesterday we also spent some time riding down th coastal highway where katrina and the oil spill came on shore...you just wonder how some of the people who live here can bounce back...
today we spent over an hr in the office of a abused children center where friends tom and christine worked right aftert katrina and chris has kep in contact with them since then..she sent us there to see if maybe they could use our help for a few days..terry the director (or the one in charge) said right now they are all set so i guess we will be tourists for the time we are in the area...after talking to him your heart just goes out to all these children and the effects of katrina are still there...tonight we are invited to their house for dinner....
we all are just so lucky to be living where we do and have not had to put up with these natural disasters just SNOW...
also along the coast a person who wanted to give back to the area has made carved animals-sea life out of trees that lost their tops and and look like something..eagles-dolphins-turtles-etc..when we take a ride donw th coast and can take some pictures of the cravings i will put them on the blog...
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