Saturday, February 25, 2012


today we started the day deciding what we wanted yo go and see so it was decided that we needed a off we headed to the gulf shore national park..

we traveled along route 90 wich goes along the coast where katrina came ashore..with all the trees left after in many shapes and sizes a young man thought why not carve them into shapes which he has done...thus the pictures of some of the sculpture of wildlife along 90...i don't know how many he did or is still doing but lots ...

then we stopped for lunch and a neighbor hood diner we ordered andthen don't you know about 20 or more teenagers came was a girls socceer team that just won a game and wanted snow we had a nice quiet lunch...hahahahahahaaha...they were not quiet in the least little bit..some were polite and others were not...the good ones probally ahd one of their parents with them...

off the the national park we went saw the movie about the place and if we had done this on sunday we could have gone on a boat trip around the bayou but we already have other plansfor tomorrow...right now the plan is to go to bioloxi for a historic train tour..thought maybe we might learn some more stuff abut the area/...

last night at dinner we found out that this part of mississippi is one of the poorest counties in the us....they were on the upswing when katrina came along and washed away lots of homes and some moved out...then the oil spill came along and again hopes were washed away..we understand that there is more to the oil spill than we have heard..of course there hae been many who have made money from each disaster but more that didn't...we asked about having shrimp today for lunch and were told oh we wish we had some to the shrimp industry has not some back to where it had been even the oysters market (that's ok by me) has been but on hold ..not sure how long it will take them to recover...

we just have to be thankful we live where we do...

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