week one is now over and alot of progress has been made on the house we've been working on...we started with just a foundation now the house has outside walls up and the trusts on and ready for the sheeting..alots of the hurricane straps have been put on..
we have worked with a great bunch of kids this past week..high schoolersfrom a prep school in illinois..all of them really wanted to work and learn building skills...yesterday at lunch they presented the group with a thank-you card (no group has ever done that before) and some ofthe guys were presented with their own t-shirts from the school and lar was one of them who got the shirt..i also happen to get one as i had tried to learn the dance kim-chee with them that they did at lunch time one day...as cold as it has been the kids took a half day of on thursday to go to the beach and some of them went swimming not sure for how long but they did get all wet..most only put their feet in the say they put their feet in the ocean..right now they are on there way back to illinois...
all in all it has been a good week and lots got done on the house..now for a realaxing weekend hahahahah..tonight we are all gooing out to dinner and a mainly seafood place..tomorrow off to church to surprise irma..monday we are meeting up with some old high school classmates of mine who winter not to far from where we are...monday is martin luther king holiday so we are off....hopefully it will warm up a tad this nwext week...
the pictures are of putting up the trusts--lunch time and the whole group
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