we have arrived in dade city and are all set to go...yesterday/saturday we attended a ground breaking of a young lady weho we worked with last year and already has her hours so weh is an anxious to be home owner...
then after that we went to a house dedicaton. which is now know os the vlounteer house...it has 2 baths-3 bedrooms and is going to be used for volunteers that come here to work such as when the college kids come...a grounp from wisconsin just left and there is another group arriving today for next week..the house has buck beds and hopefully all 21 will fit in it...kinda cramoed quarters for for young people it will be just fine for them for a week....
several of the care-a-vanners have pulled in and it is good to see the old faces and catch up on old times...tom and christine even came over..tom had a bowel resection around christmas time so won't be dong any hammering but he can give us lots of support if he is up to bringing his lawn chair and supervise...
watch the weather this monrnig and if appears that we got here at a good tome..ice-snow predicated for georgia and north carolina...rain may arrive here but we won't have to worry about hauling the rig and the traffic in some yucky weather...monday lar has an appointment for the truck that has had a malfunction on the way down..due to a diesel exhasut fuel thing that is new to the diesel trucks a EPA fed thing...hope to get the straigthen out and dosen't cause us any further problems...lar spent lots of time on ON STAR trying to figure this out on the way down and after we got here so off the the chevy dealer it goes...
sun is out right now but the clouds will be coming in soon or so they say...enjoy your day...
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