can you believe that today was another rainy cold day..and i sure hope the rest of you are enjoying some warm weather...but we went off the pipestone national historical site anyway...took the hike before it really started to rain..most interesting this is a quarry that the indians got stone to make pipes out of--a reddish type stone not as soft of soap stone...the hike was along the pipestone creek and was really running due to all the rain that the area has had lately...we both joined the junior ranger club so we had to find stuff along the way..this made it more interesting..after the hike we watched the movie along with 60 grade students i think
4 graders after they had lunch and we did the museum...
then we took a ride thru town not much there but we did find a dollar store lar favorite store hahaha...so we went in and of course we didn't need anything but we found some stuff to buy...tomorrow we head towards iopwa and the effigery mounds and another stamp...
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