we got an early start this morning as we wanted to go to both mt rushmore and crazy horse mounment...and we wanted to make sure we had enough time to do both as they are konly about 15 miles apart...so off we went and guess what the sun is out first we've seen it all day in some time...no rain-snow...
first mt rushmore as that was first on the road...soend about 1 1/2 hrs there looking at all that there was to see and watched a movie..most impressive and sue worthwhile seeing..then on to
crazy horse...there are several buildings to go thru all about indian culture and crafts..but first a movie about the history of the making of the craving...sitting bull came to this man and aasked him to do something to honor the indians and this is what they came up with...it has been in the carving stage for over 50 years already and who knows how long it might take to finish it ..not in our life time..,it was interesting on how they do it alot of the work is done by dynamite and it has to be placed very carefully as they don't want to take to much mountain off or even make cracks so more will fall off than they want to...all the museums had lots of intersting stuff..way too much to really see and appreciate...could have been museum overload hahaha...we were there over 3 hrs (some of it lunch)...so now we are happy we have seen the mountains...
8 years ago we wanted to see them and had stopped in rabid city only to have forest fiees all around and it wasn't safe to go to them we also had a very sick dog that we wanted to get home to see or own vet...we had taken her to a vet here in rabid city and she spent the night there and was told she had kidney failure (not a reason why) so we passed on several things we wanted to do in the area so now we have done them...
life is still good and we thank god each and every day we get up and can start another day of this adventure...
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