NOW THAT WE HAVE RETURNED HOME WE HAVE BEEN BUSY ENOUGH TO MAKE US THINK MAYBE WE OUGHT TO GO AWAY AHAHAH00oops--we have gotten right back in the swing of things being busy..especially around the homestead..the garden in now in not as mush as we usually plant as we hadn't planned on any garden so what we have in will be a bonus..
i also filled the bird feeders and in less than on hr the hummers were back and also the squirrels and chipmucks..they are a nusciance so we catch them in a trap and lar's takes them for swimming lessons..we have had problems with the chi[pmucks getting in the house and we sure don't want that as they can cause problems ...
lar was a happy person that we got home before the end of the spring turkey season and every morning he has been getting up at 3AM to go see if he can find a turkey..he has seen several hens and only 1 tom so far..he had shot a one but guess what he missed...so this morning out he went and said he would be back in time to go to church so around 7 i hear someone in the house that wasn't mitch..lar had returned with his morning catch..so finally he scored amen..now we won't be waken by an alarm>>> he is quiet when he gets up and has his clothes all laid out in =another room but i still do wake up and some day have a hard time going back to sleep but tomorrow morning NO alarm and we can both sleep in ...amen..now it is time to go take a shower and go to church and lar can thank him for a successful turkey hunt..
lets us all remember what we are celebrating tomorrow MEMORIAL DAY. especially all the fallen soldiers that have fought for OUR freedom and keep us safe...so go enjoy the day...