i don't know where you are if the weather is like ours but we have some wonderful weather...this weekend was sunny and yesterday we were working outside in short sleeves...can you believe even mowed the lawn..my main purpose was to chop up the leaves but decided that the lawn really did need a mowing...
the wood stove has gone out and i don't think we will need to start it up for a week if the forecast stands like the weather man told us this morning...(but you can never trust those weather men)..today will be more outside chores (after my exercise class)..maybe go out in the woods and check on our posted signs..the deer season opens up on the 21st and we like to have our property posted in place ..hopefully to keep those who aren't neighbors away ahhaha...we aren't really sure if it helps as on sat lar was out turkey hunting and he saw a person out back and did not know who it was ..i think they had noticed lar and kept gong as they knew they were on posted property..not that it is any really big deal but during deer season lar likes to know who might be there ..so he can tell family where to go --to hunt and not have to worry about others...poop mitch gets walked on a leash by me during the season as i don't want him taking off on lar's trail..he does not chase deer so that isn't a worry..also if lar has dragged one down to the barn mitch will get on that trail to see where it goes and rolls in the parts that lar leaves in the woods...
so go enjoy the day..
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