now that thanksgiving is over the house is quiet...we had 38 for dinner on thursday . and believe it or not everything was done and ready on time...the only thing i forgot was the cranberry sauce so i had to come to the house to get it...not a problem to do that i just didn't remember to take it to the barn...
the guys got up to hunt every morning NO deer were gotten or even seen..for some reason they are doing a great job of hiding and only coming out at night to eat..that we know cause there are still apples that are falling and they get eaten at night..and the ones in the woods are also gone..

back to thanksgiving ..all my family were here except a couple of neices and their families and a nephew--so the barn was full with almost standing room only..and i think a good time was had by all..
now it is time to think of the next holiday (i must say 99% of my shopping has been bought wrapped and given)..i did all this cause who knows about the weather and if i had it done it would also save on sending thru the mail or ups..now less hope the g/kids and lisa wait till the 25..on each box is a big note that says DO NOT OPEN TILL DEC 25TH..can they pay attention and not open them --remains to be seen...oh well if they do open them up that's all there will be from us..right now our plan is to go up north for christmas but not on the 25 as lisa kids will spend it with their dad in PA then come north i think on the 27th when we will head up for a couple of days then it will be back home to ready the rig for the trip south-then west...

no real snow around here yet..
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