Wednesday, March 25, 2015


 now that we have some decent  wi-fi i can post 2 days in a row.yippee

today we took of to go visit fort frederica yep another national was most interesting and a wee bit different that some of the other forts we have visited...much smaller fort and it only lasted a few years..

spend a couple of hrs walking around it and the "no seemum" were out in full force..if you don't know about those no seemum they are tiny black bugs that attack a person and drive them crazy..kinda like blasck flies but smaller and lots of them flying around  a person head...even with bug spray on they still attacked..

this junior ranger  badge we had to do some interactive stuff like play a game and put on some period type hats...even use a compass and plot a corse..

still it was interesting..

when we were in the rangers house getting our badge there also was a young man asking for the booklet and of course we got to talking about the badges he has a  coffee can full... and was talked into getting his first one at carlsbad caverns and ws  hooked after that..he is a pilot so he gets around..

the ranger said that the former baoss of the fort was more sticky about adults working on the badge but the new one was much better...

we  recieved the new badge and it is now hung on the badge display hanging"thingy" or what ever you want to call it..

life is still going great..
 some of the many trees covered with spanish moss
 fort frederica
 us in our period hats
 what they called cement..a mixture of sand wood ash and oyster shells mixed together
 lar tying to do his game

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