this is what we've been doing since we left town..we headed to woolford, md on the eastern shore of the cheaspeake bay to visit some friends we hadn't seen in several years..bill and sandy sharpe ..bill and lar worked at xerox for many years..
first thing we did ws eat blue crabs that bill caught out in front of their house,,,mmmmm..then off to go do some blue fish fishing..caught only 5 but had fun chasing the birds,,,now that is how you fish for them watch the sea gulls and when yu see a bunch of them diving you know they are after off you go in their directin with the hopes of catching some......
that was on wed afternoon then on thurs we took off again in the boat to go to lunch..great lunch..then back out on the bay to do some more luck but as sandy said it was like sitting on the back porch watching the world go was a tad rolly polly and next thing you know lar looses his lunch over board...still no luck catching fish...
friday was spent just hanging out waiting for some old friends that used to live in spencer or she did...and lar and bill went to black water refuge to put up a deer stand for bill..
norm and dorrie arrived and we ate crab cakes mmm then out on the boat to try some fishing luck..
left sat morning and we are now in the city of haymarket and today we plan on visiting the marine museum at quantico..
so life is good and we are being a tourist again..
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
11 hours ago
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