we left Amarillo this morning around 9 and with a plan to head to elk city, ok where we want to go to a battlefield...traveling across this country side you can see forever ..no trees--no skyscrapers--no nothing except land that goes forever off into the sunset..
it has been very windy and when talking to a trucker he told us that it is suppose to get worse tonight so we are glad we had planned to go as far as we have....
when we pulled into the campground we had chosen the office was closed (must be they went to lunch) there were directions as where we could set up--while we were doing that another rig camp in and needed to do what we had gone thru so they pulled along side us of course in the wait we talked and of course you ask where are you from..the guy said oh upstate NY we smiled and asked where he said Wolcott near Rochester we laughed and oh we know where that is we are from Ithaca...they only left NY a week ago and are heading to Arizona--Oregon--so they are making good time and not sure what they are seeing along the way other than to get out of the weather...when they left it was only 16 degrees...
so life is still good
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
Sounds like an amazing trip.