today was our first ...yesterday our team leader checked the weather report and it was going to be cold in the morning but as soon as the sun comes up it warms up so it was decided not to start till 10 when it was warm,...WRONG we all reported at 10 ready to go but it was snowing and the temp was only 25..unloaded the tool shed to get ready then we put everything back in the it was a quick work day and I'm exhausted...most of the work that needs to be done is outside and it is cold..the inside stuff needs to wait till the inspector comes to check the electric sand plumbing before the insulation can be put in right now everything is on hold till it warms up which we hope it tomorrow...
so what do you do !!! go out for coffee
lar and I have decided that after lunch we are oging to go to a western heritage/ cowboy museum which in on a college campus...
we of course have met the other habitaters some from ohio--Nebraska--Washington...
hopefully it will warm up so some work can be done...just like so many places in the US this year the winter is not typical but we will just roll with it...
hope everyone is warm and toasty..we are
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
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