Tuesday, February 25, 2014


we finished up in hobbs on sat and we feel a lot had been done...the house got to the point of all the sheet rocking done  also mudded but only 1 room sanded (I did that)...so the house is really beginning to look like a house with rooms...family is anxious to move in which shouldn't be too long..the is also a another house where his  week the foundation ought to be poured so it can be started...we enjoyed hobbs and have put it on our list to return to some year..

on our way out of hobbs we went thru the oil fields and the only thing you could see was oil wells going up and down there were thousands  of them..when looking out you might say oh look at all those trees  ahhaha they were moving up and down...the residents say that there is this oil/gas that they are getting but the price of it in the area sure is low...

we took the scenic route to las cruces where we planned on staying in a sam's club..we were glad we took the scenic route as it was most interesting and scenic..we drove to about 8,00 feet and there we came across a ski area with lots of snow in it but no skiers...we went thru different landscapes from flat land to rolling then the mountians...anyway we shopped at sam's and asked about staying in the parking lot and we were told NO..so off to a wal-mart we went along with 6 other rigs..

now we are in benson, az visiting with some friends we met while doing habitat several yrs ago ..also met some other habitat people we had met a couple of yrs ago so this is almost like old home week meeting up with all the habitaters...

we will be here till fri then on to Yuma where we will meet up with tony and caroline then on to calif...more later

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


we are only hoping we can stay put...it sure has been windy these last couple of days..need to hold on to your hat and what ever you might be holding..we are told this is normal for spring...

yesterday we started to sheet rock and it continued today..most of the house has been done just a couple more rooms to do and the mudding has already been started...

last night we went out to dinner at the exec directors house and a good dinner it was tex mex very good..just like a taco but not in a taco shell...we have had something similar to this in other places using fritos as the shell...

this afternoon happy hour the president is coming to see how tings are going and if we have any ideas to make it better and a destination that other care-a-vanner will want to come too...it is on our list to return too...the affiliate has lots of good ideas that they want to do and the bottom line is to build houses..

lar and I leave on sunday along with 2 other couples and 3 will be staying a couple more weeks before moving on...

life is good and god bless everyone...

ps  keep a watch in your skies in case you see us flying by like Dorothy and toto..

Saturday, February 15, 2014


we work tues thru sat here in hobbs..tues we had off due to weather but worked on wed in the cool temps but by thurs I has started to warm up a tad I mean up to high 70's low 80's so now we are complaining that it is tooooo hot ahahhahah not really..just putting on the sun screen ..

we spent the first week doing --insulation-caulking-sheet rocking (started today)-putting up backer boards-more caulking-so it has been a busy week..one home owner has worked with us all week and today we had several of them working with us...the next 5 houses already have owners for them and they are anxious to have them built so they can move in...

tonight the group is going out to dinner  not sure  where that will be decided at happy hr...

have had to use the A/C several days after work but when the sun goes down we need to turn on the fireplace but that is ok...good for sleeping..

so all's well we haven't been able to follow the Olympics as we can't get NBC so we just have to wait till we hear the news to hear who has won what...

go Syracuse!!!!! we know they are playing today

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


today was our first ...yesterday our team leader checked the weather report and it was going to be cold in the morning but as soon as the sun comes up it warms up so it was decided not to start till 10 when it was warm,...WRONG we all reported at 10 ready to go but it was snowing and the temp was only 25..unloaded the tool shed to get ready then we put everything back in the shed..so it was a quick work day and I'm exhausted...most of the work that needs to be done is outside and it is cold..the inside stuff needs to wait till the inspector comes to check the electric sand plumbing before the insulation can be put in place...so right now everything is on hold till it warms up which we hope it tomorrow...

so what do you do !!! go out for coffee

lar and I have decided that after lunch we are oging to go to a western heritage/ cowboy museum which in on a college campus...

we of course have met the other habitaters some from ohio--Nebraska--Washington...

hopefully it will warm up so some work can be done...just like so many places in the US this year the winter is not typical but we will just roll with it...

hope everyone is warm and toasty..we are

Sunday, February 9, 2014


we have settled in  for the next 2 weeks here in hobbs...yesterday we spent the day finding out where things are so come tues we know where the work site is (we work tues -sat so we can work with the homeowners)...we met the president of the BOD who was working right long  with the other volunteers..nice to see that...he was very impressed with the car-a-vanners and wants more to come...he told us when they are here he sees a lot of work done and they know what they are doing...the city has a park that they don't use any more so they turned in into a campground for the car-a-vanners..put in water-sewer-and electric 50-30  and room for 6 and are thinking of making it larger...also thinking of adding a laundry but that is in the future..we are even asked what else we might need or want..the president is also the owner of several tire store here and around new mexico and western texas told us is we have any tire problem he will take care of us at cost even new tires..we told him we sure hoped not...tomorrow we have a welcome luncheon to attend at the habitat office which is located at the presbytarian church..

yesterday we found the local wal-mart--the hospital where we both need blood work next week to send back home to our dr---

today the rest of our group should be coming in and it will be nice to meet some others..there is a lady who we worked with in dade city and it took me a couple of days to figure it  out where we had worked with her..sandy is her name from Washington I think..

so life is good..in a short time we are off to church..no not Irma's church..

life is good

sorry no pictures still haven't figured it out yet and probally won't till we get home and our computer person looks at it..

Friday, February 7, 2014


 we got into hobbs yesterday around 3ish and not sure it that was central or mountain time...we had to change at the border and not sure which clock I looked at the see what time it was..meet the team leader for next weeks build and his name is larry (former sheriff) so we will have to behave ourselves haha...it was a very cold day didn't get over 20 so they didn't work as a lot of what needs to be done to the house that is being worked on is outside..

last night it started to rain-sleet-ice and lasted for several hours so this morning everything was coated with that stuff called ice...

so we just took our time getting out of bed  we we had a full day in front of us--laundry-shopping...so it was time for my morning shower and guess what NO water..no it was not frozen we just didn't have enough in the tank...because it is a new rig we have got to get used to the gauges when it says 1/3 full doesn't mean that...lucky for us we had enough water in our water bottles to have a cup of coffee...so now we had to have a plan and that was to fill the 5 gal jugs we carry for water..lar called the habitat office and yes we could get water there but needed to be there by 11:30..we were at the laundrymat by then so he left me and off he went to fill the jugs..laundry done and some groceries bought  and back to the campground and unload..lar checked the water spigot and low and behold it ran clear like water so we are all set again..now it is time to do the dishes...

more about hobbs when we know more about hobbs...suppose to warm up this weekend...

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


we are now in fort davis, tx and have visited the fort...I must say it is  probally the best fort that I have visited not sure if lar would say the same as he enjoys forts with guns and where there were battles..this is not the case with this fort..oh yes it was part of the civil war but didn't see any battles..there were Indians all around but they didn't attack due to the fact that there only about 30 of them and a while bunch more of the military stationed here...because this fort is kinda in a desert they had camels and the guys didn't like them as you know they spit--bite--one here even bite a soldiers elbow off..not sure what the Indians thought about the camels as there is no written account to that..we even spoke to a ranger regarding that and she said that is interesting but she hadn't seen anything about that..we worked on another junior ranger badge and also got a fort davis patch for the collection..

yesterday we went off the the McDonald observarorty and now we know all about stars ahahahhahaah...st in on a lecture--then had a tour of the place and saw some back yard telescopes  ahahahway to big for a back yard...the reason they picked this place is that it is the highest mountain in texas and the skies are dark and clear..no we did not go back up for the night star gazing as it was cold and very windy enough to make you think you might be blown off the mountain...

today we are going to Marfa where it is suppose to be an artist town and they see colored lights some nights..

I did see in todays paper in Ithaca that so far this winter they have gotten 36 inches of snow 11 inches more that last year with more on it's way this week...so winter is not over in upstate ny yet...for us we are hearing that north of us is a wintry mix going on  and is expected..

tomorrow we move on the maybe hobbs we will arrive early but we need to do some laundry and will have time to check out the place...

Monday, February 3, 2014


     We pack up and move on today...heading to Ft. Davis TX where we will visit the fort and McDonald hamburger stand...or is that observatory....no matter same thing, sure you can get a burger at either

Sunday, February 2, 2014


after round rock we adventured to mason, tx to check in on the habitat site and hope to meet up with some friends we had made the last couple of years...had a good days travel saw the bald eagle in their nest that is getting bigger and bigger every time we see it..they just add  another layer each year...the pair were just sitting in their trees looking out over the world..nice sight.

we did check out the habit site and they are going to build a house where we build a  couple of years ago as a matter of fact they are developing the land by outing in water and sewer..also making lots for I think seven more houses....so there will be habitat build going on for the next seven years..

then on to fort Stockton (been here before)where we decided to stay for 3 days due to the foot ball game (that's the super bowl)...the campground has cable and out here in the opened lands of texas the antenna doesn't seem to get many channels..and we wanted to make sure we could get the game...after checking in and plugging in the cable we could not get it...darn what's the matter so lar did some checking on the lines and for one thing the junction box on the campgrounds pole wasn't so  he took that off and went right above it..still nothing...off to the office to report a problem.. the man who is either the a worker or owner wasn't too pleasant but did come to our site to check things out..his tv worked fine...so back to our problem...lar did some more checking and finally figured out what was up...the wires in the bedroom where we could put a tv were hooked up wrong..so that fixed and now we can watch the game..

yesterday was a beautiful day warm enough so I could put on a pair of shorts and leave my jacket inside...went out to breakfast-then did some shopping went to a local grocery and bought some fresh veggies good deal on avacado--limes--..etc

this morning finds us in the middle of some weather again...we had planned on going to church and right when it was time to change it started to rain-snow-sleet-so we decided after the other ice storms we had been in we might better stay put which we did...by the time church was maybe half over it stopped so now it is just cold and cloudy and looks like more might be coming at any time...

yesterday was a beautiful day