when we bought the new rig lar thought oh it would be nice to have a horse on the wind defector so he asked the sales man about getting one...brian the sales person had never heard of anyone wanting one or getting one but he was willing to ask about getting one..so he contacted his sales rep at open range and between the two of them lar finally got one in the mail...so now he is a happy man cause now instead of 1 horse he now has 2..
so today we were at the fire station working out and he decided that as long as were going to be inside would be a good time to give the defector a bath and mount the horse on it..so that is what we did after church today...now instead of following one horse's a--- down the road it will be 2..ahhaahhaah
fall has finally going out the window..the temps have gotten colder and we started up the wood stove the other day especially when it was so damp..felt good and still does...leaves are almost gone from the trees and have been blown around the yard..so I guess it is time to think about the next season..

oh don't you think he looks like the killroy was here cartoon!!!!!!
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