we keep a hav-a-hart trap set on our back porch to catch us chipmuck and squirrels as we know some of them are finding their way into the garage and house...they can do damage so we like to catch them then lar takes them to the woods or even to the pond where he gives them swimming lessons...last night in the middle of the night I kept hearing this clink and the rattle of the trap thinking oh good we have caught us another one of those pesky creature

...lar is up early as he was going to go turkey hunting but came back to bed as it was raining out and was kinda on the miserable side...then it was time to really get up for the morning..out he goes to the dining room saying you'd never guess what is in the trap..oh a squirrel..nope he says better than that..it has a black strip donw it's back and also some white..oh my I say a SKUNK now what are we going to do with that..after some discussion it was decided to cover the cage and take it away..so lar got an old army poncho that he could also attach a pole to carry it away with..so off he went with it...
we were lucky that it didn't spray it's scent not sure if the reason was because it couldn't raise it's tail or what but we were lucky that it didn't leave any scent around the house or even get lar..
just one more exciting thing about living in the country you just never know who or what might come calling in the night..