I heard stories of when lar was a young boy and he wanted a horse so bad he would cry at night..one year his parents let him buy a chance /raffle ticket on a pony and NO he did not win he so he was heart broken...they gave him a rocking horse and several other horse things over the years to make him happy...
yep it is a new fifth wheel!!!!!!!!! we started shopping for one soon after we got back home this summer..we have been talking that maybe the time is getting close for us to bite the bullet and look for something new...the silverback was 7 yrs old and had over 65,000 miles on it as near as lar could figure...so we went to several different rv dealers and this is the one we found more to our liking...lar did not want anything longer than whan we had and only 2 slides...we ended up with one that is a 1 1/2 longer and three slides...last week was spent empting out the old one--and saying where did all this "STUFF" come from as box after box came out...this weekend we have been starting tp put box after box back in the new one...we want to spend time going thur the stuff to see what we might get rid of...stuff we haven't used in years...so the fun is beginning around here...
NOW LAR IS A HAPPY MAN !!!!!!!!! ahhahaahahahhahaha
Well I'll be darned. I knew you talked about it but you two did it. I tried to talk Tom into buying a smaller rig that would be easier to pull. Still talking....
Well I'll be darned. I knew you talked about it but you two did it. I tried to talk Tom into buying a smaller rig that would be easier to pull. Still talking....